Removable braces
Straight teeth while sleeping - without pain
Treatment of children
Treatment in primary and mixed dentition
Treatment for children who still have milk teeth is only given to provide the best possible situation for the permanent teeth to erupt.
The aim of the treatment is either to correct the jaw position so that the upper and lower jaw fit well together, or to create space for the permanent teeth to erupt, or to regulate serious misalignments of individual teeth in order to avoid a surgery.
It is not our aim to aesthetically improve the alignment of the incisors in the mixed dentition. During this phase of life, incisors are often rotated or have gaps. These are mostly natural processes and often improve without treatment.
In the case of deciduous teeth and mixed teeth (when deciduous teeth fall out and the permanent teeth erupt), the treatment is carried out with removable devices. This treatment is a good preparation for the subsequent treatment with fixed braces.
Nowadays the removable brace plate is available in different colors and motifs, which can be designed by the patient.
They are worn in the afternoon and during the night.
In general, the treatment in the primary and mixed dentition lasts between 12 and 18 months.
When is treatment started?
The start of treatment depends on the individual situation of the patient. In order to determine the optimal point in time, the first check-up between the ages of 6 and 7 is recommended.
A misalignment of the jaw, caused for example by oral habits (thumb sucking, pacifier), should definitely be treated or regulated in childhood. Special attention should also be paid to breathing. Breathing is usually done through the nose, which acts as a natural bacterial filter and prevents the development of respiratory diseases. If your child inhales mainly through the mouth (myofunctional disorder), changing the swallowing and breathing functions is urgently recommended. This takes place through a dental examination and a referral to the speech therapist.
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