The right age
It's never too early for a free consultation
The right age
To determine whether orthodontic treatment is necessary, we recommend annual check-ups from the age of 6. This way we can start treatment at the right time and are often able to prevent surgical interventions.
In certain cases, we already begin orthodontic treatment with the deciduous or mixed dentition phase (when deciduous teeth fall out and permanent teeth come through). The aim of treatment at this age group, is usually to correct jaw misalignments. If this isn’t done during this phase, the deformity can often only be corrected surgically later. Treatment is typically done with a removable treatment option.
The position of permanent teeth is mainly corrected with fixed braces or Invisalign Teen. The aim is to bring the upper and lower teeth into a well-functioning unit, thus achieving an optimally aesthetic result, as beauty is a question of healthy function.
Dental regulation in children often goes through two phases. First, removable braces are used to correct jaw misalignment. Later, fixed braces are used to correct misaligned teeth
Carla’s Geschichte - zuerst gehänselt, dann beneidet
Eine Patientin, die beide Phasen durchlaufen hat, ist Carla. Sehen Sie Ihre berührende Geschichte und erfahren Sie, warum schöne und gerade Zähne für sie so bedeutsam waren.
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