Braces for adults


Karin H., Eltz Patientin


Braces for adults

At this point we have noted some of the most common questions that arise on the subject of "braces in adults" and their answers:



Question: How long is the treatment duration for braces and orthodontic treatments for adults?

Dr. Eltz: The treatment duration ranges from 5 months for slight crowding, up to 24 months for complex jaw misalignment (dysgnathia).


Question: What are the costs of braces for adults?

Dr. Eltz: The costs of braces vary from adult to adult, depending on the individual patient. We do have fee guidelines on which we guide our prices.

Question: In my career I am unable to have visible braces, what can I do?

Dr. Eltz: Both self-litigating braces as well as Invisalign are both aesthetic options for teeth regulation. Clear-Brackets have gained in attractiveness in the past years, while the Invisalign method is nearly see-through.

Question:  What about pain with braces? I am in the middle of my professional life and unable to take days off on a regular basis.

Dr. Eltz: Modern orthodontics is nearly painless. With self-litigating brackets the level of pain has nearly dissipated in comparison to traditional braces. Both with braces, as well as Invisalign, it is possible that teeth respond to the orthodontic treatment. Especially in the first three days you might feel slight pressure which subsides very quickly.

Question: How often do I need to come in for a check-up?

Dr. Eltz: On average every 8th or 12th week. Of course, this can vary to be shorter or longer. Especially with fixed bracket options, towards the end of treatment, these intervals may become shorter as finetuning occurs at this stage. These appointments only last about 5 minutes though.

Question: How long do appointments take?

Dr. Eltz: Between 5 and 45 minutes.

Question: How long are waiting times?

Dr. Eltz: Due to our special booking system and our ongoing efforts, we can mostly spare our patients any waiting time. Most of our patients are employed, making it possible to for example come by in their lunch break for a quick check-up without having to take any additional time off.

Question: Where is your practice and how can I access it best?

Dr. Eltz: We are only 2 minutes away from Stephansplatz, very easily accessible via U3 or U1. Should you travel by car, you can park at the Garage Opernringhof or Garage am Stephansplatz. We do recommend travelling via public transport.

Question: I have heard there are financing options available?

Dr. Eltz: Of course, you can pay your treatment in full at onset, with the advantage of an early payment discount. Otherwise, you have the option of paying in monthly installments. One of our special features is the opportunity to create an individual financing plan with us at your first consultation, upon request. In this case you pay as much as you can, as often as you can, interest-free, within agreed terms.


Question: Does Dr. Eltz also offer dental implants?

Dr. Eltz: No. We are highly specialized in all areas of orthodontic treatments and refer you to a specialist or general practitioner for all other dental competencies.


Question: I am very interested in Invisalign – is this method possible as an alternative to fixed braces?

Dr Eltz: Yes. The Invisalign method is becoming more and more common, especially with adults.

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Why braces at the Eltz Institute?

Zahnspange Erfahrung


We have over 30 years of experience and have successfully treated over 10.000 patients.

Alle Zahnfehlstellungen

All misalignments

From small gaps to larger issues – we effortlessly treat all misalignments

Zahnspange für Kinder und Erwachsene

All ages

From toddler to senior – it is never too early or too late for braces at Eltz

Zahnspange Dauer

Short treatment periods

Due to our lengthy experience orthodontic treatments with Eltz only take 12,7 months on average.

3D Simluation der Zahnspange

3D Simulation

Via our modern technology you can see your expected results even before beginning treatment.

Kieferorthopädie Wien


At Eltz you will exclusively be treated by specialist orthodontists.

Zahnarzt Öffnungszeiten

Long opening hours

You can reach us over the phone from Mo-Fr from 08:00-20:00 and Sa from 09:00-15:00

Unsichtbare Zahnspange

Invisible braces

Our institute is specialized on the treatment with Invisalign®.

Zahnspange Kosten

Eltz financing

The costs of your braces can be paid in affordable and interest-free installments.

Zahnspange mit Garantie

Eltz guarantee

We will treat you until you are satisfied with your results.

Eltz Institut für unsichtbare Zahnspangen Wien Eltz Institut für unsichtbare ZahnspangenWien

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Kinder & Jugendliche

Gratis Zahnspange


Eltz Institut für Zahnregulierung
Dorotheergasse 7/5
1010 Wien


Mo - Fr von 8 - 20 Uhr
Sa von 9 - 15 Uhr


01 358 31 00
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Wer ist geeignet?

Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 6 und 18 Jahren, die aufgrund ihrer schweren Zahnfehlstellung die Voraussetzungen für die gratis Zahnspange erfüllen.

Was passiert beim Termin?
  • Dauer 10 Minuten
  • Anamnese
  • Kieferorthopädische Untersuchung
  • IOTN Feststellung
  • Beratung
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Unsere Spezialisten
  • OA Dr. Lutz Hodecker
  • Dr. Alexander Gugenberger
Ihre Vorteile
  • ✓ Gratis Beratung
  • ✓ Gratis Behandlung
  • ✓ Schwere Fehlstellungen
Kinder & Jugendliche

Unsichtbare Zahnschienen


Eltz Institut für Zahnregulierung
Dorotheergasse 7/3
1010 Wien


Mo - Fr von 8 - 20 Uhr
Sa von 9 - 15 Uhr


01 358 31 00
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Wer ist geeignet?

Kinder und Jugendliche mit leichten bis schweren Zahnfehlstellungen, die eine unsichtbare und bequeme Behandlungsmethode ohne Einschränkungen im Alltag wünschen.

Was passiert beim Termin?
  • Dauer 30 Minuten
  • Anamnese
  • Kieferorthopädische Untersuchung
  • Beratung
  • Behandlungsstart (optional)
Unsere Spezialisten
  • Prim. Dr. Maija Eltz
  • Dr. Kathrin Neugschwandtner
Ihre Vorteile
  • ✓ Beratung 50€
  • ✓ 5D Diagnostik
  • ✓ 3D Simulation
  • ✓ Unsichtbare Aligner
  • ✓ Alle Fehlstellungen
  • ✓ 0% Ratenzahlung
  • ✓ Sofortzahler Rabatt

Zahnregulierung für Erwachsene


Eltz Institut für Zahnregulierung
Dorotheergasse 7/3
1010 Wien


Mo - Fr von 8 - 20 Uhr
Sa von 9 - 15 Uhr


01 358 31 00
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Wer ist geeignet?

Erwachsene jeden Alters, die eine Verbesserung der Zahnstellung wünschen, sei es aus ästhetischen oder gesundheitlichen Gründen.

Was passiert beim Termin?
  • Dauer 30 Minuten
  • Anamnese
  • Kieferorthopädische Untersuchung
  • Beratung
  • Behandlungsstart (optional)
Unsere Spezialisten
  • Prim. Dr. Maija Eltz
  • Dr. Kathrin Neugschwandtner
Ihre Vorteile
  • ✓ Gratis Beratung
  • ✓ 5D Diagnostik
  • ✓ 3D Simulation
  • ✓ Unsichtbare Aligner
  • ✓ Alle Fehlstellungen
  • ✓ 0% Ratenzahlung
  • ✓ Sofortzahler Rabatt
Alle Altersgruppen



Eltz Institut für Zahnregulierung
Dorotheergasse 7/3
1010 Wien


Mo - Fr von 8 - 20 Uhr
Sa von 9 - 15 Uhr


01 358 31 00
Google Maps

Wer ist geeignet?

Patienten jeden Alters, die unter Kiefergelenks­beschwerden oder funktionellen Einschränkungen leiden.

Was passiert beim Termin?
  • Dauer 30 Minuten
  • Anamnese
  • Untersuchung des Kiefergelenks
  • Beratung
Unsere Spezialisten
  • Prim. Dr. Maija Eltz
Ihre Vorteile
  • ✓ Beratung 150€
  • ✓ 5D Diagnostik
  • ✓ Kurze Dauer
Alle Altersgruppen

kiefer­chirurgische Kombinations­therapie


Eltz Institut für Zahnregulierung
Dorotheergasse 7/3
1010 Wien


Mo - Fr von 8 - 20 Uhr
Sa von 9 - 15 Uhr


01 358 31 00
Google Maps

Wer ist geeignet?

Patienten jeden Alters mit komplexen Zahn- und Kieferfehlstellungen, die eine kombinierte kieferorthopädisch-kieferchirurgische Behandlung benötigen.

Was passiert beim Termin?
  • Dauer 30 Minuten
  • Anamnese
  • Untersuchung
  • Beratung
  • Behandlungsstart (optional)
Unsere Spezialisten
  • Prim. Dr. Maija Eltz
Ihre Vorteile
  • ✓ Gratis Beratung
  • ✓ 5D Diagnostik
  • ✓ Alle Methoden
  • ✓ Alle Fehlstellungen
  • ✓ 0% Ratenzahlung
  • ✓ Sofortzahler Rabatt
  • ✓ Enge Zusammenarbeit mit Kieferchirurgen

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